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Add or Remove Created By Grade Created On Prompt Paragraph to Improve Aelani Badillo Wednesday Apr 1, 2020 I miss school because.... Why do you miss school do you miss your friends or PE or recess explain your reasons CommonCoreSheets Fan Wednesday Apr 1, 2020 I miss school because... Why do you miss school? Do you miss your friends? Perhaps, you miss the activities like PE and recess or the food. Ms. Shelton Tuesday Mar 17, 2020 What do you think is the most important invention from the twentieth century? lightbulbs computers airplanes cars Radio. ... Antibiotics. ... Television. ...... Rocketry. ... The Submarine. Ms. Shelton Tuesday Mar 17, 2020 Who should decide what kind of food is served in your school cafeteria? Should it be your principal, the teachers, your family, the kids, or someone else? Write a paragraph that tells your opinion and gives reasons for it. Ms. Shelton Tuesday Mar 17, 2020 Some people think that students learn better when they are in classrooms with only boys or only girls. What do you think of this idea? Write a paragraph that tells your opinion. Make sure to give reasons for your opinion and use examples, Ms. Shelton Tuesday Mar 17, 2020 Should elementary schools have vending machines? Write a paragraph that tells your opinion. Include reasons for your opinion and use examples Jen Saturday Mar 14, 2020 What do you like about them calling school? I would say because we can sleep in and play video games all day. wigginsteacher12@gmail.com Friday Mar 13, 2020 You are leaving South Woods tomorrow, make a list of all your possessions and whom you will leave them to, be sure to tell why you would leave this item to this person. Example: I would leave my socks to Mitchell because his have holes in them. I would leave my Ladybug to Jacinto because his flew away. Ms. Errington Saturday Mar 7, 2020 Creative Essay Create a short story in which a lonely monster lives in a basement. What does he do to make new friends? Ms. Errington Saturday Mar 7, 2020 Why should you wear shoes? Some people decided that they should ban shoes. Your job is to inform them on the importance of wearing shoes. Ms.Hervas Saturday Mar 7, 2020 Write an imformative essay about why is the source introducing a way to get children to explore new things. Grabber and restating the prompt in essay to improve the final essay from your rough draft. Miss H Monday Mar 2, 2020 Correct the capitalization errors my name is james peterson. let me introduce myself. i am seven years old. i live on lincoln lane in walnut creek, california. i like to ride bike with my brother michael. we like to ride at elm park. i can't wait until summer when we can ride everyday. my favorite sport is football, and my favorite team is the san francisco 49ers. when we go out to eat i like to go to burger king, wendy's, and the habit. i love to buy toys at target. when i grow up i want to be a dentist. that's a little about me! CommonCoreSheets Fan Thursday Feb 20, 2020 The Grinch tries to destroy Christmas Main event - First: Changes Santa into frog and the reindeers into lily pads in a pond. Kajal Thursday Feb 20, 2020 Compare and contrast the adaptations of an animal in "Feathers Not Just for Flying" with one of the monotremes we read about. Be sure to talk about these things in your paragraph. *What did you learn about monotremes? How does that compare to the birds in our other story? *Which adaptation interested you the most? Why? *What did you learn about how these monotremes sense what is nearby? *Which other animal that we have read about has an adaptation similar to one of the monotremes that we read about? Mrs. King Sunday Feb 9, 2020 Compare and contrast the adaptations of an animal in "Feathers Not Just for Flying" with one of the monotremes we read about. Be sure to talk about these things in your paragraph. *What did you learn about monotremes? How does that compare to the birds in our other story? *Which adaptation interested you the most? Why? *What did you learn about how these monotremes sense what is nearby? *Which other animal that we have read about has an adaptation similar to one of the monotremes that we read about? Marshauna Jackson Saturday Feb 8, 2020 Impact on Shoes Shoes are a part of most everyday life. Create a paragraph that talks about "shoes and how they are included in everyday life". Patricia Pearson Wednesday Jan 29, 2020 Black History February is Black History Month your subject today is "Why do we celebrate Black History Month" you will need an introduction, two reasons why, and a conclusion. Use transition words in your paragraph. Lea Sunday Jan 26, 2020 Free write Friday Write a 4th grade prompt following the way we have been practicing writing. You will need an intro, 2 things you would do, and a conclusion. Use transition words in your paragraph. If I was ruler of the universe for a day, I would ________________ Lea Sunday Jan 26, 2020 National Croissant Day have you ever eaten a croissant? A croissant is a French crescent-shaped roll made of sweet flaky pastry often eaten for breakfast the croissant actually originated in austria under the name “kipferls” ? marie antoinette first introduced the austrian pastry to france when she married into the royal family. The French bakers created fancier version the croissant was born in France at it’s most basic level, it’s a kind of breakfast pastry, made from soft flour yeast butter milk and salt On january 30 we annually recognize national Croissant day, so channel your inner Parisian baker today and say “oui” to these buttery treats! Soni Sunday Jan 26, 2020 National Puzzle Day January 29 is National Puzzle Day the perfect day to do a little brain exercise Whether it’s a crossword jigsaw or Sudoku puzzles engage our brain in more ways than one Scientists have discovered that when we work on a jigsaw puzzle we utilize both sides of the brain improving memory cognitive function and problem solving skills in the process By utilizing puzzles people can stimulate the brain improve a number of skills Lea Sunday Jan 26, 2020 National Kazoo Day national kazoo day on january 28 recognizes nearly 200 years of kazoo music in the united states. the kazoo was first made in the 1840's by a man named alabama vest. it was first introduced at the georgia state fair in 1852. the kazoo was submitted to the u.s. patent office by warren frost and became officially patented on january 9, 1883. the instrument requires little effort to create a Sound. if you can hum then you can play the Kazoo! can you play the kazoo? Lea Sunday Jan 26, 2020 National Bubble Wrap Day did you know that the last monday in january is national bubble wrap day? bubbleWrap is a fascinating invention. today, bubble wrap’s primary purpose is to protect fragile items either in shipping or storage. of course, people also take enjoyment from popping. marc chavennes and aldred feilding 1956 in the town of hawthorne, new jersey. product was originally named air cap and produced by the sealed air corporation which was founded in 1960. in 1961, the product evolved into the bubble wrap we know today. Patricia Pearson Tuesday Jan 21, 2020 I Have A Dream Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I Have A Dream Speech was delivered at the March on Washington Tina Griffin Thursday Jan 9, 2020 What do I do for fun at home? I like to talk on phone, do IXL, eat certain foods and drinks, go to the mall, walk with an adult..I like to do many thinks. CommonCoreSheets Fan Wednesday Dec 11, 2019 Bible Verse | Luke 2:1 Today in the town of David a Savior has been born unto you. He is the messiah, the Lord. Zikrain Saturday Dec 7, 2019 Some Tactic in Different Positions Position Seven) although White seems to lose after 1. Qxd5! Qxd5, White calculated a winning response: 2. Nxc7+! and 3. Nxd5. Notice how that knight fork prevented Black castling. Position Forty) this is simple: 1. Ra8! Rxh7 2. Ra7+! and the rook endgame skewer wins; e.g. 2...Kg8 3. Rxh7 Kxh7. Position Fity-One) Could anyone find the winning combination in just four seconds? 1...Qxh3+! 2. Kg1 (2. Kxh3 Nxf2+) 2...Qh1+! 3. Kxh1 Nxf2+ and 4...Nxd3 Position Thirty) Experienced players instantly spot that White pins the black queen and lures her on to a forking square: 1. Bb5! Qxb5 2. Nc7+ and 3. Nxb5. Position Forty-Seven) All Black's three major pieces (the queen and both rooks) are sacrificed: 1...Qh1+! 2. Kxh1 Re1+ 3. Kh2 Rh1+! 4. Kxh1 Rc1+ 5. Kh2 Rh1+ 6. Kxh1 1/2-1/2 to stalemate himself. a sacrificed queen that leads to stalemate is called a kamikaze. M Sunday Nov 17, 2019 Thanksgiving have you Ever heard of tom Turkey. he is a special turkey one day a turkey was needed for a meal so the farmers went looking for this bird. they went into the woods and found this bird sitting on a log? They were so Happy that yelled hey tom come over here the turkey ended up flying over to them and that is how we have tom turkey every thanksgiving Created By: Mrs. Shackelford Mrs. Shackelford Sunday Nov 17, 2019 Thanksgiving have you Ever heard of tom Turkey. he is a special turkey one day a turkey was needed for a meal so the farmers went looking for this bird. they went into the woods and found this bird sitting on a log? They were so Happy that yelled hey tom come over here the turkey ended up flying over to them and that is how we have tom turkey every thanksgiving Zikrain Friday Nov 8, 2019 The Rule About Typing have you ever heard of typists? they are people who type. in typing here's a rule: don't EVER look at the keyboard. the first typist was a woman. her typing speed was so slow because she peeked at her keyboard. however, in 1918, a man reached a hundred seventy words per minute, and in 1946, a woman reached two hundred sixteen words per minute! some typists can type 6 wps (which is very hard, and is 360 wpm and 21600 wph)! as you grow up, you get better and confident and can type faster. imagine setting your own record of typing 270 wpm! this means you'll have to type really fast. (note: You must be able to know all seventy-three keys: twenty-six keys for each letter of the alphabet, twenty for the numbers (ten normally) for each number, two shifts which can be used like this: 1) shift + any letter = its capital, 2) + 1 = exclamation, 3) + 4 = dollar sign, and 4) + 5 = percentage sign Look at other keys on your keyboard.) Zikrain Saturday Oct 26, 2019 Ruan the New Kid one thursday, mrs. kim said, "we will be having a new kid on tuesday. the new kid is a boy. his name is ruan. he's coming form south africa." over the weekend, i was wondering what ruan would look like. i was thinking that (until our flu shots on teacher work day, where the students don't go, but the teachers do). the next day, i saw ruan, but he looked different than i thought. some kids had to be moved to the green team (the one in the class, not at the cafeteria) because of the new kid. some kids raised their hands to play with ruan (which i did really want to, but i forgot to raise my hand). at recess, i wanted to show ruan some playthings on the playground. df Friday Oct 25, 2019 Add the missing punctuation and capitalization. one day i wanted to go outside to play i was disappointed that my mom said i couldn't she said that it was too cold and i had to play inside i decided to look through my old games for something to play when i found an old monopoly game i asked my family if they wanted to play they said yes we had fun playing monopoly all afternoon i ended up having fun after all Gerard Wednesday Oct 16, 2019 Writing a letter of complaint Hi, My name is Faisal. I live in apartment B1607. I want to complain about my A/C. It's not working. It's too hot in my flat. Because of this I cannot enjoy my days off from work. Can you please send a man to fix it? Sincerely, Faisal Danielle Tuesday Oct 15, 2019 Economics and Business: NEEDS How do economic needs help people? Will people die if their needs are not satisfied? Give 3 examples of a need Ms. Muniz Monday Oct 14, 2019 Physical Education Why is PE important in our life? If you was a PE teacher what things would you do? Ms. Muniz Monday Oct 14, 2019 Write as much as you can about yourself. What you like to do? What sport you like and why?, What's your favorite color? etc.... 2 pages about yourself, be creative :-) Toshia Wednesday Sep 25, 2019 Write as much as you can about your time in Makerspace this week. what did you do? Did anyone help you? How did you Feel? Toshia Wednesday Sep 25, 2019 On Our Way Inside On our way inside we saw a bug no butterfly no moth. it was like atree. we did not know what it was. we tried to make it fly. it was shaking. we went inside and we talked about it Toshia Wednesday Sep 25, 2019 The Day We used our Senses We went outside to look. We saw a lot of stuff. We came inside. We talked about what we saw. CommonCoreSheets Fan Saturday Sep 21, 2019 Schools Should Lead By Example 4 on monday, students could plant trees Since it takes 17 trees to make one ton of paper planting would help replace this renewable resource. On tuesday, schools could challenge students to "zero garbage" day the goal would be to see if students can use recyclable and reusable materials to avoid creating waiste products. schools should leed by example and motivate students to care for our planet CommonCoreSheets Fan Saturday Sep 21, 2019 Schools Should Lead By Example 3 schools should make sure that every classroom has several recycle bins so paper plastic aluminum and glass can all be recycled. many student already recycle at home. Dont schools think that he should set a good example and practice recycling, too. Another way that schools can set a good example is to have a environmental awareness program. They can plan a whole week of activities for students CommonCoreSheets Fan Saturday Sep 21, 2019 Schools Should Lead By Example Schools should use product made from recycled and renewable materials there are many new types of food packages made of recyclable materials For instance if schools used cardboard packaging for lunches they could recycle thousands of packages every day Also, think of all the paper that schools use if every school across the nation recycle paper countless trees could be saved CommonCoreSheets Fan Saturday Sep 21, 2019 Schools Should Lead By Example i beleave schools should lead the way in caring for our environment for example many children eat a school lunch. Every day and school kitchens all over our nation make these lunches. Unfortunately, most school lunches are packaged in materials made from nonrenewable resources Plastic packages aluminum foil and plastic silverware all use nonrenewable resources. This also create waste in our landfills CommonCoreSheets Fan Saturday Sep 21, 2019 Terrific Teeth part 2 grown ups usually have a full set of 32 adult teeth a full set for children is only 20 teeth most children lose their primary teeth between ages 6 and 11. There are several diffrent types of teeth. in the center of your mouth you have 4 thin teeth on the top and 4 on the bottom. yhou use them to cut into hard crunchy foods taht you bite. these teeth are called incisors babies often get these tooth first CommonCoreSheets Fan Saturday Sep 21, 2019 Terrific Teeth can you imagine having special tools to cut up all the foods that you eat you'd need something sharp to cut off a slice of hard crisp carrot something pointy would help you pierce a firm crunchy apple. youd probably need something else. to heop you work your way through a delisious juicy piece of stake. Actually, you probably have a complete set of tools to do these jobs. the tules are your teeth Ms. Harris Monday Sep 16, 2019 The Bubble Blowing Contest it was the best day of 5th grade I could see some confusing looks. My gum was soft and sweet Ms. Harris gave us some bubble gum to use. It was the sweetest gum and it was against the school rules. First we chewed our gom and made it soft. I tasted the sweetness of the sugar. Then, we practiced our bubbles. Some of the people at my tabl couldn't blow a bubble. I heard a lot of pops. The most exciting part of the contest was when my group went up to compete. I was asked to blow first My bubble was so big but it popped! I didn't win. The winner was alecia. It all came to an end when Ms. Harris took our gum. she came around with a trash can. I felt sad The trash can smelled good because it had a lot of gum in it. Chrissy Friday Sep 13, 2019 Correct the capitalization errors. general hancock, A civil War General general hancock was considered one of the most talented and brave commanders in the Union army. he commanded at several major battles including the battle of antietam, the battle of gettysburg, and the battle of spotsylvania Court House. he is most famous for his bravery and leadership at the battle of gettysburg. Chrissy Friday Sep 13, 2019 Fix the capitalization errors Stonewall Jackson, A Civil War General general jackson earned his nickname "stonewall" early in the war at the First battle of bull run. when his soldiers held firmly agaiNst a fierce Union attack, it was said that he stood like a "stone wall." jackson was known for his fast moving "foot cavalry" and his aggressive command. he won Several battles in the shenandoah valley during the Valley Campaign. jackson was accidentally killed by his own men at the battle of chancellorsville. Chrissy Friday Sep 13, 2019 Fix the capitalization errors. General Lee, A Civil War General general lee led the confederate Army of virginia throughout the civil War. he was a brilliant commander who won many battles while being greatly outnumbered. his most important victories include the Second Battle of bull run, the battle of fredericksburg, and the battle of chancellorsville. Chrissy Friday Sep 13, 2019 Fix the punctuation ulysses S. grant, A Civil War General general grant led the Army of tennessee in the early stages of the war. he claimed early victories at Fort henry and Fort Donelson earning the nickname "Unconditional Surrender." after winning major victories at shiloh and vicksburg, grant was promoted by President lincoln to lead the entire Union Army grant led the Army of the potomac into several battles against Confederate General robert E Lee and eventually accepted his surrender at the appomattox Court House. Chrissy Friday Sep 13, 2019 Improve this paragraph ulysses S. grant, A Civil War General general grant led the Army of tennessee in the early stages of the war. he claimed early victories at Fort henry and Fort Donelson earning the nickname "Unconditional Surrender." after winning major victories at shiloh and vicksburg, grant was promoted by President lincoln to lead the entire Union Army grant led the Army of the potomac into several battles against Confederate General robert E Lee and eventually accepted his surrender at the appomattox Court House. CommonCoreSheets Fan Sunday Sep 8, 2019 Improve this paragragh once upon a time, there was a baby named marron which made mrs. clark stay home from school to take care of marron. marron was just born! as mrs. clark had a baby to take care of, mrs. mullet taught 2nd grade from september to december. then mrs. clark came back and left the kids to take care of marron. mrs. clark had to "catch up" on what she really wanted to say, so she did. one day, before winter break, she talked about banker. next month, after winter break, in january, she got the banker out. there were pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, half-dollars, one dollar coins/bills, five dollar bills, ten dollar bills, twenty dollar bills, fifty dollar bills, and one hundred dollar bills. the coins were placed in bags. mrs. clark opened all the bags with coins, but she put a sticky note on the half-dollars and dollar coins because they are off-limits because we haven't learned about them yet. one day, we talked about the moment of greatness goal. mrs. clark said that every second grade class wants to earn one hundred moments of greatness. one day, when we had overflowing moments of greatness, students suggested some ideas to celebrate. mrs. clark also had to say that we can't choose pizza or ice cream sundae because 1) it is too expensive, and 2) some people are allergic to it (it's not healthy for them). once we voted, there was a tie of the biggest number, so we had to break the tie. so we did. i was worried that my vote was gone. the only two options left were board games and free times, so i voted for board games. the final votes were board games: 13 against free time: 5. board games was the winner, so mrs. clark said that we will have a board game party! it occurred one friday. one day mrs. clark talked about shopping tickets. she had some things in the library. the cheapest thing was not a penny. it was a nickel up to a dollar. i drew a bar graph with a 25 column, a 10 column, a 5 column, and a 1 column. mrs. clark added a bonus (10 cents) to my money. the netx day i chose to save my money. mrs. clark gave my money with the bonus. CommonCoreSheets Fan Thursday Sep 5, 2019 Central Idea: Write a short paragraph that explains the central idea of the article. Use at least two details from the article to support your response. KE Thursday Aug 15, 2019 Power Writing! Write as much as you can as well as you can about the phrase "family visits" in one minute! CommonCoreSheets Fan Wednesday May 22, 2019 correct the punctuation throughout history there have been many brave people some brave people are famous others just worked hard to do what they thought was right my grandpa worked hard he treated others fairly my grandpa was a cotton farmer in kentucky his name was bill smith my grandpa hired workers from texas and alabama. he paid them fair wages for working monday through friday. some of tthe other workers were not treated fairly. they made less money than my grandpa paid his workers. the days were long and the sun was hot. the cotton pickers weakened. grandpa got mad. He talked the other cotton farmers into paying their workers a fair wage. some people got mad at my granpda but he didn't care. he told the workers to strike and they formed a union. on may 17, 1876 my grandpa helped start the first cotton pickers union in kentucky. im so proud of all the hard work my grandpa put in to make the world fair for everyone. Nat Geo Monday May 13, 2019 Dare to Explore one day my team and i were floating down the okavango river in africa in dugout canoes called mokoros i noticed some reeds up ahead that were moving and looked down suddenly hippopotamus's face was rushing up at me the hippo blasted out of the water toppled over my canoe and sent me flying into the air before i splashed back down the river my boat started to sink, and the hippo wasn't going anywhere a teammate set off a flare to distract the animal so i could swim away after that we all paid very close attention to every single ripple in the river my team and i were traveling down the entire 648 mile okavango river from its source in the country of angola to where it dries up in the botswana desert we were observing the wildlife there and took photos and videos of every species we passed it took 12 weeks and felt like running a marathon every day when your this deep in the winderness you don't have a lot of resources we often used canoes because there werent many roads ant the nearest helicopther was two hours away we had to deal with thorny bushes everywhere and hungry ants that were constantly biting us but wilderness areas like the okavango are disappearing that's why i've committed myself not only to observing these beautiful wild places but to protecting them too. it's my privilege to do it Zikrain Thursday May 9, 2019 Mrs. Mullet/Clark 2018/19 once upon a time, there was a baby named marron which made mrs. clark stay home from school to take care of marron. marron was just born! as mrs. clark had a baby to take care of, mrs. mullet taught 2nd grade from september to december. then mrs. clark came back and left the kids to take care of marron. mrs. clark had to "catch up" on what she really wanted to say, so she did. one day, before winter break, she talked about banker. next month, after winter break, in january, she got the banker out. there were pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, half-dollars, one dollar coins/bills, five dollar bills, ten dollar bills, twenty dollar bills, fifty dollar bills, and one hundred dollar bills. the coins were placed in bags. mrs. clark opened all the bags with coins, but she put a sticky note on the half-dollars and dollar coins because they are off-limits because we haven't learned about them yet. one day, we talked about the moment of greatness goal. mrs. clark said that every second grade class wants to earn one hundred moments of greatness. one day, when we had overflowing moments of greatness, students suggested some ideas to celebrate. mrs. clark also had to say that we can't choose pizza or ice cream sundae because 1) it is too expensive, and 2) some people are allergic to it (it's not healthy for them). once we voted, there was a tie of the biggest number, so we had to break the tie. so we did. i was worried that my vote was gone. the only two options left were board games and free times, so i voted for board games. the final votes were board games: 13 against free time: 5. board games was the winner, so mrs. clark said that we will have a board game party! it occurred one friday. one day mrs. clark talked about shopping tickets. she had some things in the library. the cheapest thing was not a penny. it was a nickel up to a dollar. i drew a bar graph with a 25 column, a 10 column, a 5 column, and a 1 column. mrs. clark added a bonus (10 cents) to my money. the netx day i chose to save my money. mrs. clark gave my money with the bonus. Katrina Friday May 3, 2019 Correct spelling and capitalization. THE KING UV GOLD wuns thear wus a king namd midis he wus vare grete .wun day he wisht thet evre theng he tucht trnd to gold .thar wus a god namd dionysus he grantid his wish. naw evrething he tucht trnd to gold he tucht his cup it trnd to gold .he tucht the tabl it trd to gold his dotr ran to him he tucht her she trnd to gold. he begd the god to trn evretheng bak to noml the god did. the king hugd his dotr THE END Glover Friday Apr 12, 2019 Edit Capitalization and Punctuation Errors spider webs may look weak, but don’t be fooled. they are actually super strong! Spider weBs are made of silk silk is nature’s strongest fiber, or thread. believe it or not, silk is stronger than its equal weight in steel! Scientists have been making silk for years. however, they have not been able to produce silk as strong as a spIder’s silk. now some scientists sAy they have figured out the secret to making strong silk. Scientist david kaplan told weekly reader what his team learned. He SAid that a spider’s body has a little sac where it stores tiny blobs of silk in water when the spider releases water, the blObs turn into a gel. The spider squeezes the gel from its body, and the silk hardens. Mrs. Jensen Thursday Mar 21, 2019 "When I am 100 years old,..." Write your own response to this writing prompt. Mrs. Jensen Thursday Mar 21, 2019 "When I am 100 years old,..." Write your own response to this writing prompt. Diana Brooks Thursday Mar 21, 2019 Prompt: Fix the Capitalization errors. Prompt: Fix the capitalization errors. Paragraph to Improve: my name is bert. let me introduce myself. i live on elm street in walnut creek, california. i like to swim, play basketball, and read books. my favorite basketball team is the golden state warriors. i like to eat at chick-fil-a. my other favorite restaurants are burger king, wendy's, and chipotle. my favorite store is target. my favorite season is spring. some of my favorite books are magic treehouse, dogman, and charlie and the chocolate factory. when i go swimming, I go with my sister amy and my brother scott. when i grow up i want to be a doctor. that's a little about me. CommonCoreSheets Fan Monday Mar 18, 2019 Fix the capitalization errors. my name is bert. let me introduce myself. i live on elm street in walnut creek, california. i like to swim, play basketball, and read books. my favorite basketball team is the golden state warriors. i like to eat at chick-fil-a. my other favorite restaurants are burger king, wendy's, and chipotle. my favorite store is target. my favorite season is spring. some of my favorite books are magic treehouse, dogman, and charlie and the chocolate factory. when i go swimming, I go with my sister amy and my brother scott. when i grow up i want to be a doctor. that's a little about me. Teacher Maddie Thursday Mar 14, 2019 Fill in each blank with an adjective I went to visit my very ____________ friend at her home. She was lying in a ________bed and was covered from head to toe with a ____________ blanket. Her eyes were ______ and ________. It looked like she had been sneezing because she had a ___________, _________ nose. I noticed to the left of her bed was a __________, _________ nightstand. On it was a half ________ glass of water. At first, I didn't want to go next to her because she didn't look like the ________ and _____ girl I was playing with last week. I kept my distance for a _______ while but built up my courage to approach her. She sat up and let out a ________ cry that I could not understand what she was saying. She pointed to a ____, fluffy teddy bear that was __________ propped on a_________ chair near the door. I took the bear to her. Her hands looked pale and ________. She had been fighting this ____________ cold for two days now and I wished she would get better so we could go back outside to play like before. CommonCoreSheets Fan Sunday Mar 10, 2019 Improve this paragraph Yesterday I went to target I needed to buy some things for home and school. First I stopped at the dollar spot. I looked for prizes. There weren't good ones. Then I looked at towels for my bathroom I didn't like any of them. My husband found some things we needed. I didn't find anything. Maybe I will have better luck next time. Zikrain Saturday Mar 9, 2019 Correct the period errors. Unscramble one sentence, too! Farmer Blue had 10 sheep One day, a boy named Tom came over and said, “When were they born?” Farmer Green and Farmer Blue did not know Tom went home Then, Anthony went to the farm “How many chicks do you have?” he asked Farmer Blue said “I will give you a hint: the number is even and is less than 17 but more than 14” Anthony said, “You have 16 chicks” “Farmer right!” said that’s brown On Thursday, Farmer Brown was sick He drove to the doctor after waking up, brushing his teeth, having his shower, and eating his breakfast, but it was closed It opened 10 minutes later He was home at 10 AM Jodi Hoogwerf Wednesday Mar 6, 2019 Fix capitalization and punctuation errors! Also, correct two of the words! in class miss hoogwerf is reading farmer boy by laura ingalls wilder aloud to us the main character is a boy named alamanzo who lives on a farm in by malone, new york, with his family he has one brother named royal and too sisters named eliza jane and alice he loves to work on the farm, and more than anything he wants a colt of his own at one point in the story, alamanzo's parents go away for a week and leave the children at home to take care of things what a great time they had the wilder family works hard, but they have a lot of fun two if you enjoy reading about children in the old days, you would like farmer boy Melissa Tuesday Mar 5, 2019 Bible verse When He saw the crowds, He had compassion on them because they were worried and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Matthew 9:36 lily Sunday Mar 3, 2019 Fix the punctutation i wass So Ecited to get a knew Dog i run duwnstarts to put on my shos and i gumped in the kar. my gougyer sister was alredy in dere.when we got to the chelter i could feel my geart beat. then che came, the purrfect puppy everee Melissa Wednesday Feb 20, 2019 Bible Verse: Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in the will live, even though they die;" John 11:25 Zikrain Tuesday Feb 19, 2019 Fix the punctutation. When I am 91 I want to be a doctor I want to invite Rahim over I want to knit a few sweaters and drink tea I want to print some puzzles for Rahim I will challenge him with Gravity Maze I will give him some problems Rob Litt Sunday Feb 10, 2019 What needs punctuation? It was time to he head home from school Lester could not find his hat He had seen Kim near the hats and coats earlier. You took my hat Lester said Kim said he did not but he would be happy to help Lester look for it. An angry Lester grabbed his coat to put it on His hat fell out of his own pocket Im sorry he said to Kim I should have known you would not take my hat. Ill think and look next time before I talk Cy Friday Feb 1, 2019 Rewrite the paragraph with correct capitalization. when i am 100 years old, i want to drink iced tea every day. i will go to starbucks and burger king with my friends. my grandkids and i will listen to the beatles and go to disneyland and museums together. i will also play board games with them. by this time, i will already be a big video game creator, so i will play these video games with my grandkids. when i am by myself, i will knit while sipping on my tea and eating my orange chicken. sarfaraj Friday Feb 1, 2019 check of sentence I am happy to take your donation; any amount will be greatly appreciated. He ran out of money, so he had to stop playing poker. Sometimes it is better to just walk away from things and go back to them later when you’re in a better frame of mind. I am glad to take your gift; any sum will be extraordinarily refreshing. Joe Thursday Jan 31, 2019 Fix the following mistakes i really like summer. every day in the summer i like to go down bye the lake and cach fish fishing is fun and i like it. Zikrain Wednesday Jan 30, 2019 Fix the paragraph. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis has forty five letters It refers to a lung disease caused by the inhalation of silica or quartz dust It is the longest word in any dictionary. CommonCoreSheets Fan Wednesday Jan 30, 2019 "Before Winter is over" Before winter is over I will wear my shorts. My mom says it is too cold to wear them. clange Friday Jan 25, 2019 Fix the punctuation in the paragraph mr a smith went to the store to buy milk bread and eggs He met mr johnson at the store who was watching his kids ordering deli meat and talking on the phone all at the same time After mr johnson got off the phone, they talked about going to a cookout at their friend's house who lived at 11318 s morgan st They promised to meet there at five with their children NB Monday Jan 21, 2019 correct the paragraph my namme is mrs Boykin i am a first grad teecher. i love my klass becus the kidz ar so nise to me. We luv to reed and do maf. i kant wait to go to teh beach dis weeken. i got a new monsta truck for christmas. One day i will bring it over here so you cna play with it two. we dont have school friday. bye the end. Zikrain Friday Jan 18, 2019 Fix the misspellings. Yesterday was my birthday. I got up urly in the morning, dressed up, and went downstairs. I went to buy a kaik, but the cake shop was closed. It oapened one minute later. Then I went inside and got a kake. I went hoam after that. Evereewon was awaik. "Suprize!" thay said. They got ayt balloons for my aighth berthdai. We got a baskitboll. I had fun with it. We got Cat Stacks. We had fun with it, and there were twelve cats inside; we started with beeginnur beecuz we never played it beefor. Some cards had one laier, some had two. We went oaver to my grandmother's house. We had fun and went home. We had a fun dinner! I won't forget it ever. l> Adair Tuesday Jan 15, 2019 What do families have to do to acquire a child in "the Giver by Lois Lowry? In the novel, "The Giver," by Lois Lowry, families that want a child have to apply for one. If they are approved they will receive a child in the Ceremony of Ones. Kristina Donley Monday Jan 7, 2019 Correct the mistakes in this paragraph. Make sure to put capital letters and punctuation where it is needed. john likes to run he runs around and around his block every day when it is cold, he just bundles up and keeps running he also loves to run at recess when the pe teacher announced that they were racing one day, john was thrilled he beat everyone in the class as you can see, john really loves to run Zikrain Friday Dec 7, 2018 An 858 Page Book I have a book. it has 858 pages, it is a math book, it has 52 lessons and is module 4. when i came home from school, I asked by brother "Do you want to look at page 762?" he said, "No." then what page do you want to see? i asked. "page 758, my brother said. here is page 758, I said. Anastacia113 Tuesday Nov 13, 2018 Angel Cards Christmas Card Exchange The holiday season can be a difficult time for the grieving. Join Angel Cards and brighten up our Christmas Card Exchange. Here are the rules for our Christmas Card Exchange. 1. Submit your information via this form by midnight, Nov. 30th, 2018. 2. We will compile all the information into a Christmas Card Exchange List and share with participants via the Angel Cards group wall, pinned to the top. (The list will be shared on Nov. 30th-Dec.1st.) 3. You must agree to send a card to a minimum of 5 people following your name on the list. If you would like to send more, just keep going down the list following your name. IF You are at the end of the list, go back to the beginning of the list. 4. Mail your cards no later than Dec.7th, 2018. 5. Share your cards and thanks in the comments on the Christmas Card Exchange post (In the group announcement/pinned post) when you receive your cards. PLEASE keep the following in mind: We are sharing your name and address for this exchange with our group. By submitting your information, you agree to this. THE INFORMATION YOU SHARE WILL NOT BE USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE. Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays from our families to yours. Thank you for your participation and cooperation, ~Angel Cards Admins~ kdonley@dps61.org Tuesday Nov 13, 2018 Fix this paragraph by adding the right punctuation: periods, question marks, exclamation points and quotation marks. Add capital letters where needed. john loved running. he ran for one hour every day after school his mother asked don't your feet hurt, John but he just smiled and tied his shoes and ran outside one day the school held tryouts for cross country john was able to run farther than any of the other children his coach was excited he said john, i think this is going to be a great year for our cross country team Jordan Allen Thursday Nov 8, 2018 Rewrite the story "Jeremy's Big Catch" from Dad's point-of-view. Be sure to include his thoughts and feelings about the events and other characters. Use details from "Jeremy's Big Catch" in your new story. I asked my son “ Jeremy, did you get the fishing rods from the basement?” I was wondering My son said that he had got them and they were by the front door. I was going to bring my son Jeremy and my sons cousin kayla fly-fishing for their first time. We were going to a local lake that was known for catching trout. My son was helping me loud the car with all of the tools that we will need for fishing.( I am so excited) When we were finished loading the car we went to go get kayla. Well we were driving i told them the important things about fly- fishing. I was telling them that the sport can be hard but they can do it. Also I think that they will practise and get the hang of it. When we got to the lake we got everything out of the car and got set. We had to put on wanders and kayla did not know what they were so she asked me “what are those”. Another thing is I told her that they were waters and the partect your legs from getting wet when you are in the water. Then we all put them on after my son said “ we look goofy in these things”. I prepared the rods for all of us I told the kids to watch me so they no how to do things. We headed toward the lake and I told them to be careful not to fall in to the lake. We stepped into the water and then the water was up to are nees. I showed the kids how to cast the line into the water I did it so perfect and I was so happy to show the kids how to cast. I helped my son and Kayla with there cast and eventually they got the hang of it also( I was so proud of there hard work.) My son Jeremy had a big tug and it was a fish there was a big splash in the water. My son came and got me also told me that he thinks he got one and a big one to ! I gave my fishing rod to kayla and I helped my son real the fish in. The fish was going in all different directions and it was hard but I was able to get the fish and real it in. I picked the fish up carefully so I did not kill it. I handed the fish to my son and told him” That is a huge trout”I was so proud of him. Kayla took a pic of his fish and him.( I was so happy I could teach him something). “ When I catch my first one, I hope it is as big as yours”. I could see my son's happiness when he was letting the fish back into the water. I was so happy to see that my son found a hobby that we both liked and that he got a fish with me as his father. Michael Gass Tuesday Nov 6, 2018 Write about your favorite PGFD fire apparatus Mr. Gass class Improved Paragraph start Zikrain Saturday Nov 3, 2018 Binary, hexadecimal, duotrigesimal, sexagesimal, hundremal, senahundrepentavigesimal binary is base 2 (you only have 0 and 1), and hexadecimal is base 16 where you have 0 through 9, but also a, b, c, d, e, and f, which a = 11, b = 14, c = 12, d = 13, e = 17, and f = 19 (Movy and Khan academy discovered only these bases), not base 32, base 60, base 100, and neither base senahundrepentavigesimal (except for Movy) duotrigesimal is base 32 with you have 0 through 9 but also you have a = 10, b = 11, c = 12, d = 12, e = 14, f = 15 just has the hexadecimal system does but also g = 16, h = 17, i = 18, j = 19, k = 20, l = 21 m = 22 n = 22, o = 24 p = 26 q = 26 r = 27 s = 28, t = 30 u = 31 and v = 31. 779 in base 625 is 1:154 (2 digits). CommonCoreSheets Fan Wednesday Oct 31, 2018 Circle the vivid verb in each sentence. CommonCoreSheets Fan Thursday Sep 20, 2018 Make the proper correctsion Its a hot day. Kate and Mike were playing in the river. "Look there is a waterfall," said kate they ran upstream to get a closer look. Mike climbed up the rocks alongside the waterfall. "be careful!" kate call. "There is a cave behind the watefall." mike shout. "come on!" he went behind the falling water Kate followed mike. She found him in a dark, wet cave. "wow, cool!" she said. They saw a shine light at the back of the cave. They walk slowly through the cave, moving toward the light. They reaches the other end of the cave and steped out of the cave. "We made it!" LCI Monday Aug 20, 2018 What needs punctuation? It was time to he head home from school Lester could not find his hat He had seen Kim near the hats and coats earlier. You took my hat Lester said Kim said he did not but he would be happy to help Lester look for it. An angry Lester grabbed his coat to put it on His hat fell out of his own pocket Im sorry he said to Kim I should have known you would not take my hat. Ill think and look next time before I talk LIgnacio Monday Aug 20, 2018 What needs Capitalization? Maria's family like to have visitors. their family came over often. maria was always delighted to have her friends and family at the house. she really enjoyed visits from her best friend, lea. The two like to share their books and play with maria's dogs. maria always laughed about the dog's hair on the floor. she said that she can make a rug from the pile of hair that had fallen out of its coat. "that would make a good story, " lea said. "it could be the best story ever. Let's start writing now. CommonCoreSheets Fan Sunday Aug 5, 2018 School conferences Me and my wife are planning to go to our children’s school conferences later this week. We have a son and a daughter. our sun is in fifth grade, and our daughter is in three grade. We have never been to a school conference in united states before. We visited the elementary school when we register our children. We also visited the school during an Open House. At this conference, we will be answering to the teachers, because we are both a little nervous about holding a conversation in English. Our friends have told us that the teachers will show us our children’s work. We hopping we will not have to talk much. We have compiled a list of questions so we will be prepared. Shals Tuesday Jul 17, 2018 use the following 10 words to create your paragraph chicken, chop, chips, chase, cheese, chair, churn, charm, choice, choose I am GATE Saturday Jun 2, 2018 What is your favorite season ancient manuscripts, another means to divide sentences into paragraphs was a line break (newline) followed by an initial at the beginning of the next paragraph. An initial is an oversized capital letter, sometimes outdented beyond the margin of the text. This style can be seen, for example, in the original Old English manuscript of Beowulf. Outdenting is still used in English typography, though not commonly.[3] Modern English typography usually indicates a new paragraph by indenting the first line. This style can be seen in the (handwritten) United States Constitution from 1787. For additional ornamentation, a hedera leaf or other symbol can be added to the inter-paragraph whitespace, or put in the indentation space. A second common modern English style is to use no indenting, but add vertical white space to create "block paragraphs." On a typewriter, a double carriage return produces a blank line for this purpose; professional typesetters (or word processing software) may put in an arbitrary vertical space by adjusting leading. This style is very common in electronic formats, such as on the World Wide Web and email. CommonCoreSheets Fan Wednesday Apr 25, 2018 World Cultural Month Today is the final day of World Cultural Month. Please write a paragraph or two about something you have learned during the month. Think about the country presentations you have seen, the country booth visits, the community lunch and lessons from class. CommonCoreSheets Fan Saturday Mar 31, 2018 What is your favorite season? Given at least 3 reasons why. My favorite season is summer. It are the best season cuz it's hot and sunny most of time. I enjoy go to beach to swim and play in the sand and take walks and have a picnic lunch and float on a raft. There is a lot more time to relax in the summer. You can will read a good book while sitting outside, or or go for a sail on sunny day. Summer is good. Zikrain Sunday Feb 4, 2018 4 and 8 years and hibernate, ... 1816 and 1916 are both leap years. 1816 has bad weather. But, 1816 is also divisible by 8, because 1816/8 = 227. Therefore, the 454th leap year is 1816. The 479th leap year is 1916. Now it's 2018. The animal that flies at night to find food, the bat, hibernates. Birds fly south in the winter snow. Bears also sleep on leap years on the 29th Feb. knights, queens, castles, dynasty and culture is history. old is also history. electricity is technology. DQ Wednesday Jan 24, 2018 Hibernation Today, we read about hibernation. I learned hibernation means a very deep sleep taken by some animals. Animals hibernate for different reasons. Bears, chipmunks, squirrels, and even bats hibernate! Animals hibernate in the winter when it's cold. Learning about hibernation was interesting. Danny Gibson Monday Jan 22, 2018 The Monarch Migrations This article is about butterflies and how they move to place to place depending on the weather. Butterflies need to be around flowers. Flowers die or freeze up in winter months. Because of this butterflies go where the flowers are. The go where there is a warmer climate for food. CommonCoreSheets Fan Sunday Jan 7, 2018 The weather in the year 1816 I hate wet and reiny days. It rained a lot in 1816.... a lot - like everyday; the weather in Europe was abnormally wet because it rained in Switzerland on 130 out of the 183 days from April to September. If I was Mary Shelley I might decide to write a book too. Afterall, it was the onnly thing you could do without TV or anything. She said that she "passed the summer of 1816 in the environs of Geneva...we occasionally amused ourselves with some German stories of ghosts... These tales excited in us a playful desire of imitation" So, people were stuck inside and bored. Mary Shelley decided to write a book becuase it was so awful outside. I can totally see her point, you know? I guess I would write a novel if there was nothing else to do.